Do not choose a too simple conference code
With newConference Direct the chairperson chooses his own conference code. Please be aware that this code is the key for access to your conference call. For that reason, do not select a too simple conference code.
Use at least four digits
You should use at least four digits for your conference code. Five or six is even more preferable.
Do not use 1234 or 2222
Simple codes like 1234 or 2222 are not appropriate. The possibility that someone else is using the same code at the same moment is small but present.
Don't use the year or date of today
We advise not to use the year you were born or the current year as a conference code. Also a code like 1206 or 0612 on June, 12th is not recommended.
No limit in the number of digits
The number of digits you use for your conference code is not limited. The more digits you use, the safer your code will be.